If Smartphones Were Game of Thrones Characters

For those of who recently finished watching Season 7 of Game of Thrones, Sunday nights are seemingly a little less eventful. With Sunday nights freed up for the next 500 some days until Season 8 is released, the techies at CPR Cell Phone Repair have had some time on their hands to debate the following: “If smartphones were Game of Thrones characters, who would they be?” See what similarities our team found between the most popular phones of 2017 and Game of Thrones characters in our latest blog, “If Smartphones Were Game of Thrones Characters.”

Which Smartphone Is Your Favorite Game of Thrones Character?

We admit there may not be an obvious parallel between Game of Thrones and smartphones, but in anticipation of Season 8, hear us out.

1. Daenerys Targaryen

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 would be Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Just as the Note 8 is the successor of the Note 7, a disastrous phone, Daenerys is the successor of the Mad King, a ruthless, disastrous leader. Plus, beauty and progressive characteristics make Daenerys and the Note 8 a match made in heaven.

2. Sansa Stark

Much like Sansa Stark, HTC smartphones have been significantly underestimated – until the HTC U11 that is. HTC has been struggling to stay relevant in the heavily saturated smartphone market, but the company took critiques in stride and released the HTC U11 in 2017. With a stunning design, all-day battery life, and Edge Sense technology, the HTC U11 is by far HTC’s best smartphone yet.  Similarly, after years of suffering, Lady Sansa Stark has is back in Winterfell ruling.

3. Arya Stark

The Moto Z2 would undoubtedly be the one and only Arya Stark. As a Faceless Man, Arya is able to shape shift and change faces to transform into an entirely new person. Similarly, the modular design of the Moto Z2 enables the device to transform into a 360-degree camera, a game pad, a speaker, a projector, and much more.

4. Tyrion Lannister

With intellect, wit, and a powerful family backing him, Lord Tyrion Lannister has more in common with the Google Pixel meets the eye. Not only is the Google Pixel equipped with a number of smart technologies that are new to the market, but the device is manufactured by the ultimate tech company – Google. USA Today said of the Google Pixel, “A high IQ with a world of potential.” Sounds like Tyrion Lannister if he laid off the wine, right?

5. Melisandre

The Samsung Note 7 would be Melisandre, the Red Woman. Not only do both the Note 7 and Melisandre have an aptitude for fire, but just as the Note 7 was banished from the smartphone market, Melisandre was banished from Winterfell.

6. Jon Snow

The Apple iPhone 7 Plus would be Jon Snow. Just as Jon Snow is intelligent and one of the most popular characters in the show, the iPhone 7 Plus is among the most popular smartphones on the market. Additionally, Apple’s slogan, “Think Different” is a direct reflection of Jon Snow, who thinks differently about the Wildlings than his comrades of the Night’s Watch. Snow’s loyal following would stand by him through thick and thin, just as Apple fans would for the tech giant.

7. Brienne of Tarth

Polished and reliable are two words that describe both the LG G6 and Brienne of Tarth. Users in search of a phone that is resilient and tall, like Brienne, should consider purchasing the LG G6.

8. The Hound

While the Hound may be a little rough around the edges, he is nothing short of dominant on the battlefield. Similarly, the OnePlus 5 was released in 2017, and although it didn’t take the market by storm, it presented an inexpensive alternative to popular flagship phones. The OnePlus 5’s strong performance and ability to undercut competition draws similarities to the Hound.

Whether your loyalties lie with the Lannister’s in King’s Landing or with the Stark’s in Winterfell, one thing’s for sure – winter is coming, and you don’t want to depend on the ravens to deliver your messages. If you have a broken device listed above, depend on your local CPR Cell Phone Repair for fast, affordable repairs!

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