Why Does My Android Battery Drain So Quickly?

Waking up to a fully charged phone just to see it drained a couple of hours later is not only frustrating, but also extremely inconvenient. That’s why the WISE certified technicians at CPR Cell Phone Repair have created this comprehensive guide for Android users. Let’s get started by identifying the root cause of your Android battery issues.

7 Common Causes of Android Battery Drain

There are a few common causes for why your Android’s battery might be draining faster than normal. Understanding these causes will help you determine whether or not your phone needs professional repair.

  1. Your Android phone is an older model.
  2.  Extreme temperature variations are affecting the life of your battery.
  3.  The phone battery has been damaged.
  4.  Your phone’s operating system is out of date.
  5.  Your Android has a bug affecting the battery life.
  6.  Too many apps are running in the background.
  7.  Too many push notifications or alerts drain your battery.

Some of the above issues can be solved with a couple of simple changes in your device’s settings, but others will require professional attention to resolve.

How to Extend the Life of My Android Battery

Try some of the following steps if you are unsure how to fix battery life issues on your Android device. If your attempts to solve the problem are unsuccessful, consider taking your device in for professional assistance.

  • Update your phone to the latest operating system
  • Disable push notifications and close background applications
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat by keeping your phone out of direct sunlight.
  • Never leave your phone in the car or outside overnight exposing it to extreme
  • Turn on battery saver mode if your phone offers this feature
  • Set your phone brightness to change automatically
  • Turn off phone sounds or vibrations
  • Shorten the amount of time your screen stays on

If all of the above strategies don’t make a noticeable improvement in your phone’s battery life, it’s possible that you may need to replace the device if it is extremely old. However, before immediately making the financial decision to purchase a new device, consider getting experts to look at your phone battery.

Get Your Android Phone Repaired Today!

A phone battery that constantly dies with barely any use would frustrate any phone owner. Replacing your entire device should only be a last resort due to the financial burden it can bring. Rather than purchasing a new phone for a simple battery issue, contact our experts at Cell Phone Repair for assistance. Whether your Android device has a dead battery, a loose charging port, or a battery that can’t hold a charge, our repair technicians are here to help. A battery replacement is fast and will save you from spending money on a whole new phone. To get your phone battery up and running as soon as possible, reach out and find a CPR location near you today.

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