LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services

If you own the LG Nexus 5, having a reliable Nexus 5 repair service that you can count on definitely provides peace of mind. When your Nexus 5 needs anything from a screen repair to a battery replacement, CPR has the parts, tools, and experience to get the job done right – quickly and hassle-free. You can also sell your Nexus 5 to CPR or trade it in for one of the many premium pre-owned devices available in our stores.

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Your LG/Google Nexus 5 features a large display, long life battery, Google integration,  clear calls, comfortable to hold, and LTE for multiple mobile carriers.  It’s quite a powerful smartphone, and having it suffer damage, such as a broken screen or even a malfunctioning power button, can leave you feeling abandoned. When it’s time for a LG/Google Nexus 5 repair, head to CPR.

Here at CPR, we can help you and your Nexus reconnect to the world!  We employ expert technicians who are well-versed in the ins and outs of LG/Google Nexus 5 repair.  As we can often repair your device on the same day you bring it in, there’s no need to be apart from your digital companion for long.  Simply bring it in to a CPR shop near you, or mail it in to us. We will fix it, test it, and get it back into your hands with a limited lifetime warranty on labor and parts associated with your repair.

Though most of the time devices can be fixed, and data recovered, sometimes a smartphone is beyond repair.  If that happens, we may be able to offer to trade it for a replacement smartphone, or to offer to purchase the broken unit.

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How Much Will It Cost?

At CPR Cell Phone Repair, LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services repair services don’t have to break the bank. Our services are both fast and budget-friendly. Depending on the type of damage and the extent of the damage to your LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services, repair costs will vary. For an accurate estimate on your LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services, please

Get It Fixed Fast!

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Limited Lifetime Warranty

We Can Fix Your LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services

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How Much Will It Cost?

At CPR Cell Phone Repair, LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services don’t have to break the bank. Our services are both fast and budget-friendly. Depending on the type of damage and the extent of the damage to your LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services, repair costs will vary. For an accurate estimate on your LG/Google Nexus 5 Repair Services, please .