LG V10 Repair Services

If you own the LG V10, having a reliable V10 repair service that you can count on definitely provides peace of mind. When your V10 needs anything from a screen repair to a battery replacement, CPR has the parts, tools, and experience to get the job done right – quickly and hassle-free. You can also sell your V10 to CPR or trade it in for one of the many premium pre-owned devices available in our stores.

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LG’s V10 hit the smartphone scene with a multi-functional screen that takes recording videos and photos to another level. With its dual screen feature, users can capture “in-between” moments and record more than ever before.


LG V10 Screen Repair Services

The LG V10 boasts a 5.7-inch display with a high resolution of 2560 x 1440. This display is brighter than ever and is sure to make your user experience one of the best. With a high-quality camera to match, it’s important you keep your LG V10 screen in working condition. If your screen ever becomes unresponsive or cracks, visit your local CPR Cell Phone Repair. Our technicians have the necessary supplies and parts on-site to complete most LG V10 repairs within the same day. Our repair services also include a limited lifetime warranty, so you rest assured knowing your smartphone is always in good hands.


LG V10 Water Damage

Though this smartphone comes equipped with many top-of-the-line features, it unfortunately is not water resistant like some of its competitors. You can always protect your phone with a waterproof case, but even some instances of water damage can still damage a protected phone. In the case that your V10 falls victim to critical water damage, be sure to quickly get it to your nearest CPR. Our technicians will disassemble your phone, flush out any debris, and replace any damaged parts for an affordable price. Walk-in repairs are always welcome, or you can use our convenient mail-in service for any LG V10 repair.

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How Much Will It Cost?

At CPR Cell Phone Repair, LG V10 Repair Services repair services don’t have to break the bank. Our services are both fast and budget-friendly. Depending on the type of damage and the extent of the damage to your LG V10 Repair Services, repair costs will vary. For an accurate estimate on your LG V10 Repair Services, please

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Limited Lifetime Warranty

We Can Fix Your LG V10 Repair Services

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How Much Will It Cost?

At CPR Cell Phone Repair, LG V10 Repair Services don’t have to break the bank. Our services are both fast and budget-friendly. Depending on the type of damage and the extent of the damage to your LG V10 Repair Services, repair costs will vary. For an accurate estimate on your LG V10 Repair Services, please .